People's March Tennessee

If you believe in access to sexual and reproductive health, paid parental leave, and the elimination of sexual and domestic violence and the wage gap, join us. If you believe in democracy, join us. If you honor the principles our founders and countless others have fought for—on American soil and abroad—and if you know that our nation is strongest when we stand united, then it’s time to rise. Raise your voice. Stand up and speak out. Together, let us safeguard our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Join us and make history by protecting the promise of democracy and freedom for all.

Speakers: Rep. Gloria Johnson and John Ray Clemmons, Victoria Broderick, Ailina Corona, Paige DeLozier, Stephanie Jacques, Dahron Johnson, Allie Philips, Dr. Marisa Richmond, Joy Styles  and Shawn Whitsell
Performers: Kyshona Armstrong, Keshia Bailey, Judy Klass, Gwen Levy, Mollie, Lynne, Bethany Reynolds and Rachel Rodriguez
What: The People’s March by Women's March Tennessee
When: Saturday, January 18, 2025 10:00 AM
Where: Wasioto Park 592 S 1st St, Nashville, TN 37213 to 1 Public Square, Nashville 37201
Why: To protect progress, resist harmful policies, fight for justice and equality for women, and all those who call this country home.

P.S. Wear Green!
Starts on
Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 10:00 AM CST
Ends on
Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 1:00 PM CST
Wasioto Park
592 South 1st Street
Nashville, TN, 37213
United States
Get Directions via Google Maps
